Summer might not have been up to much – we can safely agree on that. But there’s always next year, isn’t there? 

The start of autumn is an excellent time for putting in the groundwork to make next summer epic. A little advance prep now, making the most of what a Self Storage unit can offer, means that we can sit back, relax, ride out the colder months and look forward confidently to enjoying all of our favourite warmer weather activities again next year.

You might not think that you have a lot of summer ‘stuff’ – however, it can accumulate and take up a lot of space – space that you’ll value when you’re stuck indoors when the clocks go back. 

Putting it all into hibernation in a secure self-storage unit while you hunker down, however, will create more freedom to enjoy your living space and keep everything safe and in tip-top condition for when the sun peeks out next year.


Whether it’s a simple bistro set or a full-on garden suite, it makes sense not to leave it at the mercy of the elements or you could find yourself having to replace it at great expense next year. 

Safely keeping tables, parasols, sofas, stools, chairs, deckchairs, benches and even barbeques in your self storage unit will keep them clean and lengthen their lives – and when you haven’t seen them for six months or more, imagine how good it will feel to pop these old friends back on the patio!

Disassemble anything that can be taken apart, and stack carefully, with heavier items on the bottom. Make sure anything with fabric – parasols, cushions and cushion covers – are clean and thoroughly dry to avoid mould. Run the vacuum cleaner over rattan or wicker furniture to get into all those nooks and crannies, treat your wooden furniture to a rub over with furniture oil and take a steel brush to any rust on metal furniture to nip that problem in the bud


It’s sad to say goodbye to those shorts and sandals but there’s something very cosy about making room for chunky knitwear and putting the heavy duvet back on the bed.

Clearing out your summer wardrobe is a super seasonal startover and can be a great time to sort everything into keep or donate piles. With everything you’re going to hang on to, give them a wash and make sure they’re 100% dry before packing them away – plastic tubs are ideal for clothing to keep them mould and damp free and prevent moths having a nibble. 

Fabrics do well at a steady temperature so maybe consider climate-controlled self storage if you’ve got lots to put away. And remember it can be a great gift for yourself in the future to categorise what’s in those storage boxes. Keep the stuff you’ll need first easily accessible – your ‘Irish summer’ clothes on top, for example, and ‘holiday abroad’ items underneath, or vice versa, depending on your plans.


You’ll be amazed by how this category of stuff builds up over a single summer – we’re talking that inflatable flamingo you bought in the campsite supermarket, the paddling pool that was on special offer during those three roasting days in July, the beach towels, the boogie boards, the swimming shoes and wetsuits (unless of course you’re a hardcore winter swimmer too in which case we salute your resilience!), the kayak, the pool noodles, the new buckets and spades, the pavement chalk, Swingball, mini golf – for kids and adults of all ages, the list goes on – and it’s all going to take up space when it’s not being used.

You could, of course, leave it all lying in the garden – where it will be in a very sorry state by the next school holidays.

Or, you can store it neatly in your self-storage unit and enjoy it all again next year, good as new. A good tip is to keep your storage boxes labelled so that you save some time over that miraculous, weekend in May when the mercury rises unexpectedly. You want to be outdoors, soaking up that rare Vitamin D after all, rather than rummaging in your storage unit searching for the mini slide and the inflatable gazebo!


Some sports are a year-round endeavour but some sports – and sports-people – definitely prefer to do their thing when the sun is high in the sky. If you’re not the all-weather type, or your sport is seasonal, then keeping expensive equipment in a self storage unit when you’re not using it not only keeps it in good nick, but provides peace of mind. Self storage is great for golf clubs, canny for canoes, tip top for tennis, brilliant for biking and happy days for hiking gear.


Even if you do like to hit the great outdoors off-season, a self-storage unit is ideal for storing tents, awnings, sleeping bags and all of the other gear that makes a camping expedition comfortable, practical and fun. As with everything going into storage, clean and dry before stashing – scrape mud off boots and give them an airing so the bacteria that causes bad smells doesn’t get a chance to grow and turn your entire unit into a malodorous nightmare. In fact, anything at all that might be unavoidably stinky could benefit from a little storage container all of its own to contain those unavoidable nasty niffs.

Remove batteries from flashlights or GPS devices; ensure portable camping stoves have no food residue and store the fuel away from the stove itself and keep all-important but fiddly items like tent pegs taped together to prevent strays!


It’s bye bye to summer bedding, and seeya later to seeds. While a little maintenance is always needed over the winter months, the garden needs a rest – as do gardeners! After the last mow of the grass, give the lawnmower a good clean down and pop it into your storage unit – empty of fuel, of course. Clear out pots and hanging baskets, and put those garden tools like trowels, hoes, secateurs etc. to bed. 


Think of the space you’ll save under the eaves, in the shed or anywhere else that your cases and bags go when they’re not globetrotting. Maximise space by storing smaller cases inside larger ones, nesting-doll style, but make sure everything’s taken out beforehand so that nothing gets left behind and has the chance to fester nicely before your next trip.

And, of course, speaking of next trips – maybe don’t put those cases too far to the back of your unit – you never know when the travel bug might hit again or if a spot of winter sunshine might just be on the cards. 


If you want to take your organisational achievements up a notch, why not create an inventory of what and where everything is in your storage unit? Knowing what’s in there could save you doubling up on items next year and save you oodles of time.

And for one last push, wouldn’t it be a great idea to do a little rearrangement so that the seasonal items you need to access next are at the front of your unit – like Halloween or Christmas decorations, or all those items for the winter DIY jobs that you’ve been planning – right?

In the meantime, grab yourself a pumpkin spice latte. Time to start embracing Autumn with the peace of mind that self storage brings.

Unlock the freedom of extra space. Get in touch with Storage World today or get a quote online.